Sunday, 6 November 2016

Value of plants for people

Since the oldest times people began to use plants. At first people only collected plants – berries, fruit and nuts in order that them is a bit later collected wood - boughs, branches to warm the dwelling and to fry meat on a fire.
   Today people use the cultivated plant varieties and grow up forest plantations for industrial and private use.

  Food of mankind is based on plants which or are directly consumed, or indirectly through animals who eat plants and in turn serve as food to the person.
Around the world useful plants — wheat, rice, corn and potatoes are the major. From all huge number of the cultivated plants, only the small part bears the main loading of use in human food.

  Plants produce oxygen which is a component of our terrestrial atmosphere in the course of the existence. The woods and fields are suppliers of the major part of the terrestrial atmosphere. Without oxygen there is no life on the earth.

  Plants deliver to the person energy.

Value of plants in life of people
The elementary way to receive energy from a plant — to burn it. Since the most ancient times the person for fire cultivation learned to use wood. One of the known power sources after a tree – coal. Coal has also a phytogenesis. Also it should be noted that there is still a phytogenesis power source - it is peat.
Oil which is also organic power source really happens from millions of years of the dead lying at the bottom of the sea algen (microseaweed). They do not treat plants, and the elementary microorganisms.

  Recently vegetable sources of bioenergy a number of names of fuel allowing to create are open. For example, bio — the diesel.

  Plants provide to the person initial material for creation of the most different objects from clothes to paper. From plants, especially from a tree, many tools, and also construction materials become.

  From time immemorial from plants of people was able to extract paint. For example, from an indigo lupine - blue, from a genista – yellow, from a thistle - dark violet, from carthamuses - yellow, from a madder - dark red, from vaydy-blue etc. Still these dyes are used in various productions from dyeing of fabrics to paint for food.

  Since ancient times the mankind used vegetation not only as basic material for food, but also as material for creation of especially refined pleasures. It is possible to carry to such plants - coffee, tea, tobacco, and also by means of difficult process of distillation and fermentation the mankind learned to create alcohol. This product is presented in the different form by such food objects of pleasure as: beer, kvass, myoda, wine, liqueurs, vodka, cognac etc. And also plants the containing stupefying substances from which people prepare drugs and drugs: poppy - base for opium, hemp - base for marijuana etc.

Value of plants in life of people
Before pharmaceutical industry thought up thousands of drugs, the mankind quite successfully treated itself by means of herbs. And now many experts trust vegetable preparations, than artificially created remedies more.

  The separate branch connected with plants exists - it is ornament flowers and plants. There are even such sections of knowledge as floristics and park architecture.

  The first is engaged in the fact that she grows up flowers and herbs of various origins for decoration of our dwellings and places of work, and the second is engaged in the fact that she creates from various plants a certain world in the form of park which serves as the place of rest and restoration of forces.

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